Artist Statment

My final major project is called ‘Fabricate’ which means to construct/manufacture. The ideas for this project started around looking into the Black Country history (1800-1900) with hard working ethics with people making everything by hand. Looking at coal, smoke and steam from the machines and buildings. I also explored the foliage silhouettes of plants surviving winter reflecting the tough working people in factories and coal mines.

Throughout the project my pieces have become mostly constructed using digital embroidery to piece fabric back together in stripes and angles. This collection is Autumn/Winter fashion focused with the selection of different patterned woollen fabrics I have used to reflect the woollen clothes worn. Embellishment will reflect the pattern of the fabric underneath. After creating my open work fabric, then working back on top adding the floral silhouettes for detail in the way of embellishment, beads and digital embroidery.

Any Questions about me or my work  – You can get in touch with me here